IMPACT CARIBBEAN 2025 Saturday, March 22
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WHATSAPP: 876 316 1057
Before William Carey, there was George Liele!
The Caribbean was at the start of 19th Century missions. Let’s finish the task of fulfilling the Great Commission! Let’s be a part of reaching the 2033 goal of every nation hearing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Engaging the Caribbean to no longer be only a missionary receiving field .. but a Missionary Sending Force!
In some of his last words on Earth, Jesus set before his followers a task and a promise:
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matt. 28:19-20 (NIV)
This assignment has been the call of every follower of Christ ever since. Nearly two thousand years have passed since this Great Commission – and yet there are still people and places in nations across the globe who have never once had the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus. We can change that. FINISHINGTHETASK.COM
Current statistics record that 2% of funds and 2% of missionaries go to unreached – people groups where there are less than 2% of evangelical Christians. Just over 3 Billion people, approximately One-Third of the world, who have never ever heard of Jesus Christ.
God’s remnant will arise, and given the urgency of the plight of the unreached Marjorie Scott Anderson, Director of the hosting Initiative and her partner ministry YWAM Jamaica/Frontier Missions Caribbean, strongly feel it is time for an army to arise, from the Caribbean. That we no longer be a mission field, but that we become a mission force.
The Initiative has also embraced the goals of the Finishing the Task Coalition, a group of 1,700 mission agencies, churches, and organizations coming together to finish the task of fulfilling the Great Commission by 2033.
Conference Purpose:
To stimulate Caribbean church leaders to become more intentional & deliberate about mobilizing & equipping followers of Christ to participate in reaching the unreached … fulfilling the Great Commission
Missionary church engages further in evangelism in Malawi, inspired by the 2022 Conference
Team of 4 to new villages in Mexico
lead by our partner YWAM
Second visit to an unreached people group in Mexico. A team of 5 from 2 Caribbean nations
Ministry in South Asia continues
2 locations in this region
Inspired the "I can Hear God" project which provides Christian material to the Jamaican deaf community and their families, using Jamaican Sign Language based on Biblical principles
More Bibles to The Gambia
Start of partnership with Reconcillation Church Community in discipling leaders in 2 areas in South Asia
First team to an unreached group in Mexico.
Team of 4 from Jamaica House Of Prayer Team To Europe
Donett explains what the channel is about in our opening video.
2022 & 2023
Pastor Rick Warren
CEO Finishing The Task Coalition
Founding Pastor & Former Head of Saddleback Church an, evangelical Baptist megachurch in
Lake Forest, California. Since 2022,
Author of Purpose Driven Life, Richard Duane Warren is an American Baptist evangelical Christian pastor and author.
The Team
Bishop Dr. C.B. Peter Morgan
Chairman of the Presbytery of the Int’l Assn of Kingdom Churches and Ministries (IAKCM), a global network of Christian Leaders and Ministers.
Author of “The Nations: God’s Strategic Purpose for Establishing your Nation”; “The City Church – A Personal Pilgrimage”; “The Jamaica Diaspora a People of Pain and Purpose” and “Letter to the Church in the post-Covid-19 Era