Welcome! Thank you very much for stopping by!.​​
Marjorie Scott Anderson
Full-time Missionary
Director, One Last Push Initiative
Co-Director The Americas, Pray For Zero
(A Seed Company Global Bible Translation Movement)
I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. I’m honored to be part of the global movement to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to every nation, tribe, and tongue by 2033, Guided by the Great Commission..
Together with partners and volunteers we passionately work to share the transformative message of Jesus Christ with those who have yet to hear it. Through prayer, partnership, and action, we join hands with believers around the world to fulfill this Divine mission, fueled by a deep desire to see lives transformed, communities restored, and hope ignited in the hearts of the unreached.
Here, you’ll find stories of God’s faithfulness, updates on my journey, and opportunities to stand with me in this great endeavor. Together, we can witness the fulfillment of God’s promise to bring His Kingdom to all corners of the earth.
Thank you for joining in this historic mission. Your prayers, support, and encouragement are vital to seeing His Kingdom come!

My Story
I am Marjorie Scott Anderson a full-time missionary since 2014.. I have the delightful privilege of leading a Divinely inspired endeavour - One Last Push Initiative.
I am a member of Swallowfield Chapel in Kingston, Jamaica, where I also sit on its Missions Board and engage in leadership in some of its ministries AI also serve as Co-Director of the Americas for The Seed Company's Pray ForZero Movement. The Seed Company is an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators Int'l.
I served as Country Leader for Operation Mobilisation (“Bookship”) for 4 years (2014-2018), and presently sit on its local Board, as well as serve as its Company Secretary.
“In July of 2014 the Lord very gradually, yet very clearly, led me to the answer to my “What next” question. It was: To actively and strategically participate in reaching the over 3 billion persons identified as unengaged and unreached people groups. To help change the statistics of 1% funds and 1% of missionaries going to where the need is greatest.
99% of funds collected in churches go to places where people already have/know the gospel. 99% of missionaries go where the gospel already is! Unreached refers to an ethnic group without an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement. ... The term is sometimes applied to ethnic groups in which less than 2% of the population is Evangelical Christians
"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity."
– Mike Stachura
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
WhatsApp: 876 316 1057